With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
I remember in my interview with Myokei Caine-Barrett for a LionsRoar panel I was doing, I asked her what advice she would give to her younger self. She said, it would be, to “tell the whole truth of your life to someone.” I remembered being really surprised that she gave the same answer that I would give as well – which is fundamentally, above all, to cultivate deep, authentic, honest relationships as the core resource of a spiritual life.
It was one of the things that so many people learned during the pandemic is how much we need relationships and need community. In a Buddhist life it is like this too – we need connections, the feedback that relationships give us, and the opportunities for mutual care… community can take spiritual work to the next level. Whether online or in person, its the whole range of conversations, from small talk to deep sharing that generates a sense of connection and belonging that is such a core human need, so I would say too that if there is one advice I could give others for their spiritual path it is that, to prioritize friendship, community, and sangha.
There is something particularly special about the relationships formed in a Buddhist practice community. Through Buddhist meditation we share the experience of being deeply quiet together in a group, or chanting. That non-verbal experience, and somatic experience of calm and safety in a group is something our bodies and nervous systems need know.
I have noticed also that being in community is a way of resisting the echo-chamber that social media creates. In our community, because of its cross-cultural, multi-generational and international character – people who might not meet otherwise, communicate across timezones, engaging with such a wide array of fascinating people. It can be surprising and healing. We learn from each other and grow together on the deepest levels. Indeed, I have witnessed the sangha support each other through births, deaths, illnesses, disappointments, and triumphs, such friendships are precious resources, it is such a honor to experience how the sangha jewel can be a refuge indeed.
This is why I have trained meditation teachers all these years, to foster communities, communities based on care and contemplation, and this of course has been such a primary mission of the Buddhist Studies Institute, to hold a highly connected environment in which rigorous dharma study and practice can be engaged. I believe this is the best way to change the world, with thousands of meditation teachers in places I might never go, representing the tradition in the way only they can. Watching this come to fruition with the graduates of our program has been one of the great joys of my life, and I want to continue to support the meditation teachers that I have trained over the last two decades.
For this reason I am overjoyed to be beginning our Advanced Meditation Teacher Training course this weekend, an opportunity for the development of new Umdzes, the group practice leaders, and a way to support our ever growing community with new teachers and leaders. May we nurture and foster precious community together.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.
This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:
Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,
The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality
The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism
*This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
November 4 – December 9 5pm-7pm PT | 8-10pm ET | 12pm-2pm AEDT*
Online Daily Group Practice
November 5 – December 17
8am-9am PT | 11am -12pm ET | 4pm-5pm GMT
Niguma, Naropa, Longchenpa and the greatest masters of the Tibetan traditions practiced a system of esoteric meditations known as The Six Yogas. Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D., for a seven week intensive journey into the history and practice of the Six Yogas. Practice these profound techniques in a warm and brilliant community.
Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D.,in this seven week journey into the six yogas including their history, their implicit contexts, the practices, and their adaptations over the thousand years that they have been taught. Trained both as an academic and as a lineage holder of the tradition, Pema Khandro provides a rigorous and compassionate approach to the study of Buddhism.
Pre-requisites: Completing Ngondro is recommended, but not required. See more details at the link below.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.
This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:
Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,
The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality
The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism
*This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
November 4 – December 9 5pm-7pm PT | 8-10pm ET | 12pm-2pm AEDT*
Online Daily Group Practice
November 5 – December 17
8am-9am PT | 11am -12pm ET | 4pm-5pm GMT
Niguma, Naropa, Longchenpa and the greatest masters of the Tibetan traditions practiced a system of esoteric meditations known as The Six Yogas. Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D., for a seven week intensive journey into the history and practice of the Six Yogas. Practice these profound techniques in a warm and brilliant community.
Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D.,in this seven week journey into the six yogas including their history, their implicit contexts, the practices, and their adaptations over the thousand years that they have been taught. Trained both as an academic and as a lineage holder of the tradition, Pema Khandro provides a rigorous and compassionate approach to the study of Buddhism.
Pre-requisites: Completing Ngondro is recommended, but not required. See more details at the link below.
Sometimes, says Pema Khandro, there’s no way out. It’s at those times that we can discover the depth and resilience of the mind. Read the full article below.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Save $300 – Early Enrollment Discount Ends August 23
*This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.
It is my pleasure to invite you as a member of the Buddhist Studies Institute to join our new Advanced Meditation Teacher Training that starts September 13-15, 2024 (9am-12pm PT).
About the Advanced Meditation Teacher Training (MTT2)
Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.
This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:
Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,
The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality
The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism
This course will span three years, from 2024 to 2027. Core coursework and practicums will take place between September and January each year during that period; students are required to remain enrolled in Vajrayana Training throughout the year.
About the MTT2 Pre/Corequisites
Certification for the Advanced Meditation Teacher Training requires completion of the following pre/corequisites. These can be taken concurrently and/or completed during the 3-year span of MTT2. You can use your member discount code to register for these programs as enrollment opens.
Meditation Teacher Training 1 (MTT1) is a required pre or corequisite, is offered every year and may be taken concurrently during the 3-year span of MTT2. Live attendance in MTT1 is required to participate. Click Here for more details
Ngondro Training is a required pre or corequisite and can be completed in 1-3 years, anytime during the 3-year span of MTT2. The classes in this training are recorded and can be attended as a hybrid training, with the majority of classes attended asynchronously. Click Here for more details
Vajrayana Training is a required corequisite. Once you have completed Ngondro in any lineage, or if you are currently enrolled in Ngondro Training, you are eligible for attending Pema Khandro Rinpoche’s Live Bi-Monthly Classes in Vajrayana Training. The classes in this training are recorded and can be attended either live or asynchronously. Click Here for more details
Retreats are also required to attend during the 3 year training period to ensure intensive engagement with the Nyingma lineage and Pema Khandro’s teachings, and to serve as teaching assistants when needed.
Graduates of the Advanced Meditation Teacher Training are eligible to be appointed as Umdzes, the practice-leaders for Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute. Additionally, this is a required course for the Chaplaincy Certificate, which is scheduled to launch in 2025.
More information on Advanced Meditation Teacher Training can be found by clicking the link below.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Niguma, Naropa, Longchenpa and the greatest masters of the Tibetan traditions practiced a system of esoteric meditations known as The Six Yogas. Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D., for a seven week intensive journey into the history and practice of the Six Yogas. Practice these profound techniques in a warm and brilliant community.
Join scholar and teacher, Pema Khandro Ph.D.,in this seven week journey into the six yogas including their history, their implicit contexts, the practices, and their adaptations over the thousand years that they have been taught. Trained both as an academic and as a lineage holder of the tradition, Pema Khandro provides a rigorous and compassionate approach to the study of Buddhism.
Pre-requisites: Completing Ngondro is recommended, but not required. See more details at the link below.
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.
This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:
Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,
The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality
The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism
*This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online or In-Person in San Diego, CA
Online and In-Person
August 15 – 17, 2024 10am – 6pm PT
In-Person Only
August 18, 2024
Tsok and Community Day at the Beach
Join Lama and Dzogchen scholar, Pema Khandro, in this three day immersion in Longchenpa’s instructions for holding on to the nature of mind.
A time to contemplate expansive peace and innermost presence, this retreat will focus on cultivating deep rest through advanced relaxation practice and study of Dzogchen teachings and meditation. This is an opportunity to connect with the beautiful poetry of esoteric Buddhism at its best through vantage point of Longchenpa, the great fourteenth century Dzogchen master.
This is meditation in its esoteric form taught in the Tibetan tradition as a method to find the uncontrived state of natural innate wisdom. Pema Khandro will teach from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions from The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.
The retreat will focus on instructions that lay out the path from its foundations to the experience of deep contemplative awareness and experience beyond grasping. It includes guidance on the stages of meditation and the ways to unravel and find rest in the nature of mind. This is a path of encountering innate wisdom through letting go in its sweetest sense, the letting go of effort and tension to rediscover an uncontrived presence.
This retreat can be attended online OR you can register for the in-person option which will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, 1036 Solana Drive, Solana Beach CA 92075. Please note the event is not sponsored by UUFSD. Please visit the registration page linked below for complete details including cost, registration deadlines, and complete information about lodging, meals, and more!
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online or In-Person in San Diego, CA
Online and In-Person
August 15 – 17, 2024 10am – 6pm PT
In-Person Only
August 18, 2024
Tsok and Community Day at the Beach
Join Lama and Dzogchen scholar, Pema Khandro, in this three day immersion in Longchenpa’s instructions for holding on to the nature of mind.
A time to contemplate expansive peace and innermost presence, this retreat will focus on cultivating deep rest through advanced relaxation practice and study of Dzogchen teachings and meditation. This is an opportunity to connect with the beautiful poetry of esoteric Buddhism at its best through vantage point of Longchenpa, the great fourteenth century Dzogchen master.
This is meditation in its esoteric form taught in the Tibetan tradition as a method to find the uncontrived state of natural innate wisdom. Pema Khandro will teach from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions from The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.
The retreat will focus on instructions that lay out the path from its foundations to the experience of deep contemplative awareness and experience beyond grasping. It includes guidance on the stages of meditation and the ways to unravel and find rest in the nature of mind. This is a path of encountering innate wisdom through letting go in its sweetest sense, the letting go of effort and tension to rediscover an uncontrived presence.
This retreat can be attended online OR you can register for the in-person option which will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, 1036 Solana Drive, Solana Beach CA 92075. Please note the event is not sponsored by UUFSD. Please visit the registration page linked below for complete details including cost, registration deadlines, and complete information about lodging, meals, and more!
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Take meditation teaching to the next level by receiving an Advanced Meditation Teacher Certificate from the Buddhist Studies Institute. There is an urgent need for Meditation teachers who have rigorous, in-depth training beyond Mindfulness techniques. Mindfulness has opened the door to meditation in every possible setting from elementary schools to board rooms. This has left a gap for those interested in Buddhist meditation and Buddhist traditions, students want to learn more and need expert teachers to guide them.
This course focuses on the teaching of three core practices to introduce students to the Buddhist tradition. Advanced Meditation teachers will learn to lead:
Tonglen, the meditation on love and compassion from Mahayana Buddhism,
The Heart Sutra chanting meditation, the foundation of non-duality
The Four Noble Truths, the Buddha’s first teaching and the core principles of Buddhism
*This training is multi-modal and dynamic and will include the weekend sessions plus weekly practice sessions and weekly practicums. Click the box below for full details on this 3-year program.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online or In-Person in San Diego, CA
Online and In-Person
August 15 – 17, 2024 10am – 6pm PT
In-Person Only
August 18, 2024
Tsok and Community Day at the Beach
Join Lama and Dzogchen scholar, Pema Khandro, in this three day immersion in Longchenpa’s instructions for holding on to the nature of mind.
A time to contemplate expansive peace and innermost presence, this retreat will focus on cultivating deep rest through advanced relaxation practice and study of Dzogchen teachings and meditation. This is an opportunity to connect with the beautiful poetry of esoteric Buddhism at its best through vantage point of Longchenpa, the great fourteenth century Dzogchen master.
This is meditation in its esoteric form taught in the Tibetan tradition as a method to find the uncontrived state of natural innate wisdom. Pema Khandro will teach from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions from The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.
The retreat will focus on instructions that lay out the path from its foundations to the experience of deep contemplative awareness and experience beyond grasping. It includes guidance on the stages of meditation and the ways to unravel and find rest in the nature of mind. This is a path of encountering innate wisdom through letting go in its sweetest sense, the letting go of effort and tension to rediscover an uncontrived presence.
This retreat can be attended online OR you can register for the in-person option which will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, 1036 Solana Drive, Solana Beach CA 92075. Please note the event is not sponsored by UUFSD. Please visit the registration page linked below for complete details including cost, registration deadlines, and complete information about lodging, meals, and more!
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
All are welcome to join Pema Khandro for our annual Tibetan Lunar New Year Celebration This is a free online program; open to the public. Vajrakilaya Dances Performed Losar Address with Pema Khandro Celebration of 21-Day Meditation Marathoners Dedications of Merit Year of the Wood Snake Begins! Donate below any amount to celebrate The Buddhist Studies Institute’s mission to help the Buddhist Teachings flourish.
Beyond effort and achievement is the state of natural ease, the basic space of being. How to breakthrough to find this innate expanse is the focus of a profound Buddhist meditation manual known as The Treasury of Basic Space, The Choying Dzod (chos dbyings rin po che’i mdzod). It presents the essence of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, known as Great Perfection, or Dzogchen (rdzogs chen) in verse form. Venerated as a manifestation of the expanse of reality itself, is the quintessential Dzogchen text by the fourteenth century master, Longchenpa. It refers to the expanse of reality and pure experience of meaningfulness as the revelation…
Annual Dzogchen Retreat Online or In-Person in San Diego, CA
Online and In-Person
August 15 – 17, 2024 10am – 6pm PT
In-Person Only
August 18, 2024
Tsok and Community Day at the Beach
Join Lama and Dzogchen scholar, Pema Khandro, in this three day immersion in Longchenpa’s instructions for holding on to the nature of mind.
A time to contemplate expansive peace and innermost presence, this retreat will focus on cultivating deep rest through advanced relaxation practice and study of Dzogchen teachings and meditation. This is an opportunity to connect with the beautiful poetry of esoteric Buddhism at its best through vantage point of Longchenpa, the great fourteenth century Dzogchen master.
This is meditation in its esoteric form taught in the Tibetan tradition as a method to find the uncontrived state of natural innate wisdom. Pema Khandro will teach from the 27 Practices for training for Dzogchen meditation from the sems nyid ngal gso, Longchenpa’s instructions from The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease.
The retreat will focus on instructions that lay out the path from its foundations to the experience of deep contemplative awareness and experience beyond grasping. It includes guidance on the stages of meditation and the ways to unravel and find rest in the nature of mind. This is a path of encountering innate wisdom through letting go in its sweetest sense, the letting go of effort and tension to rediscover an uncontrived presence.
This retreat can be attended online OR you can register for the in-person option which will take place at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito, 1036 Solana Drive, Solana Beach CA 92075. Please note the event is not sponsored by UUFSD. Please visit the registration page linked below for complete details including cost, registration deadlines, and complete information about lodging, meals, and more!
Ngondro presents the core practices of Buddhist psychology, working with core needs in identity, relationality, forgiveness and repair, resources and the sense of empowerment. Join Pema Khandro and the Buddhist Studies Institute for a journey into Ngondro, the core practice of Buddhist tantra.
Module 4: Intrinsic Wisdom. This module focuses on the key theme of Vajrayana, which is empowerment, to experience the power of the indestructible buddhanature within oneself. It begins with Vajrayogini meditation and the seven line prayer, a prayer used widely in the Nyingma tradition to supplicate the awakened mind. This is followed by the guru yoga meditation and merging into Buddhahood.
Pilgrimage to Longchenpa’s Eight Lings in the Himalayan Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan
With Dr. Pema Khandro & Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
October 2 – 18, 2024
Join us for a transformative pilgrimage through Bhutan from October 2nd to 18th, 2024, led by scholar-practitioner Dr. Pema Khandro and Buddhist author Jampa Mackenzie Stewart. This spiritual journey to the Himalayas offers an intimate exploration of the sacred sites and teachings of Dzogchen master Longchenpa. Experience the profound beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, sacred sites, and its rich Vajrayana Buddhist culture.
Our meticulously crafted itinerary is designed to cater to all levels of physical fitness and interests, ensuring a fulfilling experience for everyone. From daily teachings and meditation sessions to interactions with local lamas and yogis, every aspect is thoughtfully planned to deepen your understanding of the Buddhist view.
This unique pilgrimage is not just a trip but a deep dive into the teachings of a great master. It offers insights into the essence of practice against the backdrop of Bhutan’s breathtaking beauty. Reserve your spot now, as space is limited.