A Letter from Pema Khandro & Announcements
Dear Friends and Members Worldwide,
I pray for the health and wellness of you and all your loved ones and for everyone everywhere. Here are some announcements and heart advice.
It seems from the research I have been reading that the important thing at this time is to slow the spread of the virus by self-quarantining to stay home as much as possible. This is so that hospitals are not overwhelmed so quickly and therefore more lives could be saved. It is possible that many people will have mild symptoms, but also that everyone will have someone they know who passes away. I believe that our efforts should be to protect the vulnerable among us by remaining at home as much as possible, practicing physical distancing and washing our hands if we do go out and doing our wellness practices.
Even though “social distancing” may be practiced we don’t have to practice emotional distancing, I encourage you to call, text and email friends, loved ones, neighbors and family to stay emotionally connected and supportive during these times. See below for my post on how to show empathy to someone who is anxious.
In order to join the efforts to slow down the spread of the corona virus and offer support during these stressful times, we have made changes to our schedule.
Empathy Training
We have moved the Empathy Training up to start one month later on April 29th. It will now be 4 weeks long and held online from 12-2pm PST (UTC-7), and recordings are available for international students.
This is so that I can offer public programs focused on Transforming Fear through meditation and insight. However, anyone who registers for the Empathy Training now, will receive a short weekly lesson until our class begins in April. So sign up if you haven’t yet and start training. There is a great need for empathy now! Register Now
Dakini Day Chod in Virginia is canceled and will become an online class in April.
I will be offering a weekly public class online to offer Buddhist resources to promote calm, focus, empathy and resilience. Starting with this Saturday’s Medicine Buddha Webcast, March 21st, from 10-11am PST (UTC-7). Medicine Buddha is a practice for anyone who is suffering, sick, or injured. Register Now
Then beginning Monday night March 23rd – April 13, every week for a month I will offer a Transforming Fear class. Register Now
These classes are free, they will include meditation, a short lecture, dialogue and our Yogic Medicine Institute faculty will also recommend natural health practices as well. Donations are optional and will go towards helping us continue to make these classes available.
Mar 21 – Medicine Buddha Webcast
Mar 23 – Transforming Fear
Mar 25 – Dakini Day Chod in Virginia – cancelled
Mar 25 – Buddhist Philosophy Online
Apr 1 & 8 – Vajrayana Training as scheduled
Apr 17 – Dakini Day Chod
Apr 22 – Buddhist Philosophy Online
Apr 29 – Empathy Training
Our online shedra, the Ngakpa Training classes will also continue on 3rd and 4th Wednesdays as scheduled. These classes require prerequisites, students must pass exams to enter.
Also, our local community meditation classes in Seattle, Santa Cruz, and Richmond, California are all cancelled until further notice.
Social distancing + Giving Love
We can all get through this together, this is a perfect time to train in altruistic action. Altruistic acts will help to calm fears and promote your sense of agency. Greater agency often translates to less post traumatic stress. We can take actions to care for one another. We can create new networks and strengthen the ones we have. Rich networks are essential for our survival and contentment, it is a good thing that can come from this intense time. Start with a simple, “How are you doing?” text to a few friends each day, this would be a good practice. And don’t worry if the answer is filled with stress. Here is my post on how to show empathy to someone who is anxious:
How to Comfort Someone who is Anxious: Listen. Let them talk. Say “tell me more,” or ask questions until their feelings make sense to you. Let there be silences, let them take their time. Don’t try to dismiss their feelings (no gaslighting). Don’t try to fix them. Don’t try to talk them out of it. Let them know if there are things they are saying that you do understand, “Oh that would be hard,” “Oh that’s tough.” “Yeah I see that.” Ask questions about things you don’t understand. Assume that their feelings make sense, so keep listening and asking questions until you the feelings make sense to you. Listen until they are done talking. “Is there more?” If this is uncomfortable for you, make sure to do deep breathing while you are listening. If you mess it up this time, don’t worry, you will do better next time. Empathy can be learned. Even botched empathy attempts can still benefit others and yourself. And remember empathy can improve immunity according to research (See Yang et al. 2018), so it’s a worthwhile effort for your health.
Wishing you best health,
March 21st, 10-11am PST (UTC-7)
This class is being offered by donation, co-sponsored by Ngakpa International and the Yogic Medicine Institute. Help us keep this program going through your generous contribution.
Do you feel stressed, anxious or afraid in light of the global pandemic? Economic stress weighing you down? You are not alone! We can’t control everything but we can regulate our reactions, to move through fear, into a state of calm, focus and preparedness. Pema Khandro will be offering a weekly class this month focused on building resilience and transforming fear in times of crisis. It will include meditation, lecture, tips for wellness and a time to connect. How to care compassionately for your anxiety & fear. Tips to practice self care and empathy, and how to be there for yourselves and others including:
- Methods to calm down
- Focus through Meditation
- Alternatives to suppressing fear or being overwhelmed by fear
- Uplift your mind while remaining realistic
- Soothe and Uplift yourself others
- Key components of a healthy diet
- Building your immunity through diet, supplements
- Reducing the impact of sickness
- Checking in with classmates every-week to increase social support
Empathy Training – Online – NEW DATES
Wednesdays, April 29 – May 20
12pm – 2pm PST (UTC-7) Timezone Converter
A happy life. Loving relationships. Peace with family. Deeper friendships. Real Love. Emotional Maturity. Spiritual Maturity. Socio-Emotional Intelligence. Harmony with Co-workers and so much more. Join three Buddhist teachers for an eight-week course in the core skills you need to live with an open-heart. Designed and led by internationally renowned scholar and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, Pema Khandro. This training is also led by Aruna Rig’dzin Ross and Satya Shiva, Co- Directors of Ngakpa International and the Yogic Medicine Institute.
Join the 4-week Empathy training. Learn the core skills you need to connect, be heard and be there for others.
*** We have adjusted the Empathy Training to be 2 hours per meeting for four weeks instead of 1 hour per meeting for eight weeks. In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our schedule changed. Thank you for your understanding. We hope this new schedule will make it easier for you to attend. Attend live or watch recordings at your own pace.
Buddhist Philosophy Online: Excellent Path to Enlightenment
4th Wednesdays of Each Month
Pema Khandro offers an open-free online guided meditation
each month on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
It is approximately half an hour with guided meditation and study of Excellent Path to Enlightenment, the guide to meditation by Longchenpa.
2020 Certification Trainings
Live and Online – Starts in August
Panchakarma Technician Certification
Ayurvedic Health Counselor Certification
Dakini Mountain Grand Opening & Retreat
Retreat with Pema Khandro: May 29 – Jun 2, 2020
Grand Opening Ceremony and Celebration: May 31st, 2020
We had planned our grand opening and retreat for these dates, however, in light of the efforts to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, we will be reassessing our plans mid-April.
Donate Now for the development of Dakini Mountain
Share your Gifts and Heart of Service
We need your help! Contact Volunteer@BuddhistYogis.org
1. Fundraising Professional – Seeking an experienced fundraiser to help with strategy and development of short and longterm fundraising.
2. Admin Assistant – Seeking several people with administrative skills to help with projects of Ngakpa International, Pema Khandro, Dakini Mountain and the Yogic Medicine Institute.
3. Website Manager – Seeking someone with strong experience using and editing WordPress websites. Savvy technology skills and experience with Memberpress and LearnDash is a major plus!
4. Video Editors – Seeking 2 more video editors for the development on Online dharma courses and trainings.
5. Social Media Whiz – Seeking several people to help spread the word about all of Ngakpa Intl’s projects, trainings and retreats.
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Copyright Ⓒ 2019
Ngakpa International • PO Box 2396 • Nevada City, CA • USA