Join Pema Khandro in the Malibu Mountains |
Join Pema Khandro in San DiegoAwakening Fierce Compassion
Join Pema Khandro in VirginiaOct 26-28 The intensive will offer training and immersion in the method known as “Cutting Through” or Chod. Chod is a practice cherished by every lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It is a dynamic meditation which incorporates vision, mantra, prayer, music, and ritual to cultivate open-hearted presence in the face of one’s fear. Chod is a Buddhist method for healing and transforming the hidden content within one’s own mind. By giving up grasping and externalized projections, the meditator taps into intrinsic courage. The intensive will alternate between teachings, training, dynamic meditation practice, and silent sitting. |
Dakini MountainWe have finally found the ideal place – a place where we can encounter the overwhelming beauty of nature and the natural state – a place where we can bring Dakini Mountain to life. We have reached our first goal of $24,750 and have opened escrow! Now we are in the crucial period of fundraising to secure this Real Estate. This is the retreat center our community has been dreaming of, but we can’t make this dream come true without your help. Share our GoFundMe page May we meet at Dakini Mountain |
Upcoming EventsSep 28 – Love in Times of Hate, Malibu Mountains Sep 29 – Tibetan Dream Yoga, Malibu Mountains Sep 30 – White Tara Empowerment & Teaching, San Diego Oct 19 – 21 – Vajra Sangha Retreat, Charlottesville, Virginia Oct 22 – 25 – Group Leader Training, Charlottesville, Virginia Oct 26 – 28 – Chod Intensive, Charlottesville, Virginia
Weekly Online Classes
Pema Khandro Rinpoche’s featured article
Open Your Heart Further“When our love is tired or has hit its limits, Buddhism suggests we open our hearts further and tap into a more expansive love.” |
Tibetan Dream Yoga with Pema Khandro
Upcoming Events
Bardo Teachings – Self Paced Course
With Pema Khandro, Father Francis Tiso, Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Chagdud Khadro, Shugen Roshi, Julie Rogers, Jim Tucker, M.D., Koshin Paley Ellison and Dr. William McGrath
Open Dates
Teachings on Death and Dying Facing realities of dying, death, and grief are central to our human experience. This program offers practical instructions for helping others in the process of dying and an overview of essential knowledge on death, bardo, and rebirth. This includes self-paced lectures on dying, loss, grief, and illness from Lamas and scholars of Buddhist Studies. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
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Buddhism & Sexuality – Self Paced Course
With Dr. Nicole Willock, Julie Regan, Ph.D., Pema Khandro, Lama Willa Miller, Amy Langenberg , Dr. Ann Gleig, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jim Hopper, Dr. Elizabeth Call and Damchö Diana Finnegan
Open Dates
Join Pema Khandro and a group of esteemed Buddhist Studies scholars for an exploration of the history of Buddhist Sexualities from celibacy, to sacred sexuality in Buddhist Tantra and a simple approach to embodied integration with nature in Dzogchen. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
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Buddhist Ethics – Self Paced Course
With Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This course on Buddhist Ethics goes through the Five Buddhist Precepts. The five precepts form the basis of a Buddhist way of life and the vows that Buddhists Seek to follow. The Five Precepts are a discipline of freedom, honor, and precision that cover the potent themes of life from the extraordinary perspective of non-duality. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for these precious teachings. Your contribution, big and small, helps makes in-depth Buddhist training and education more accessible for all. May the teachings spread and flourish!
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Women in Tantric Buddhism – Self Paced Course
With Holly Gayley, Judith Simmer-Brown, Sarah Jacoby, Amy Langenberg , Damchö Diana Finnegan, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Pema Khandro
Open Dates
This is the missing history of women in Tantric Buddhism. This course addresses the fascinating story of nuns, mothers, teachers, consorts, prophets, and disciples. Taught by scholar-practitioners whose groundbreaking research on women and Buddhism has changed the way we think of Buddhist history. This course will address the history of women in Buddhism, the history of yoginis and dakinis in India and Tibet, the stories of important Buddhist women, Buddhist philosophy on gender, sex, and sexuality, and the role of the consort in historical Tibet, and contemporary manifestations and so much more. Support the Buddhist Studies Institute by donating for…
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Chakrasamvara Empowerment and Teachings
With Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche and Pema Khandro
April 25 - 27, 2025
The Chakramsamvara meditation focuses on the non-dual union of the great hero and heroine, Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini (as Vajravarahi). They are the two key deities of esoteric Buddhist meditation. This is the practice that raises the innate wisdom to persevere, even in the face of tremendous difficulties. As the great hero, Chakrasamvara calls forward innate stability and skill. As the wheel of great bliss, Chakrasamvara calls forward the joy of non-dual union of male and female energies within being.